



  • 第一堂课后,95%的父母满意他们的孩子能够很好地与语言治疗师交流和上课

  • ("..头一堂课我们就看到孩子的进步比之前另一位治疗师7堂课还要多.."

  • 100%满意我们专业知识可以解决他们的困难和疑惑....

  • >90% 的儿童2个月后在家庭/学校有明显进步 (成人客户上第一次课后...)

  • >30年经验,>1500名学生 = 省走弯路,节省时间,金钱和精力。
  • 一对一或小组上课,以改善您孩子的学习成绩(阅读,语言,对话,沟通和社交技能)。
  • 我们的课程会配合你孩子的学校(本地或国际学校课程),以取得最大进步。
  • 周日或周末(拜六 / 拜日)上课时间(英语 / 华语),以配和您的繁忙工作时间。
  • 支持家长(定期反馈,教学技巧),帮助您克服挫折感。
  • 有效且经济实惠的语言治疗,让孩子在功课和社交都融入,更有自信!


speech therapy for children







如果您任何以上回答 是 “是”,请联络我们,让我们的专业语言治疗帮您的孩子克服困难。


我们可以帮助您的孩子克服语言迟缓,发音不清楚,口吃或语言障碍(学习英语,数学)。例如:speech therapy child


  • 发音不清楚,同学听不懂,不跟他玩或取笑她。
  • 她无法告诉你上学校发生了什么事,她需要什么,或者她的感受如何。
  • 他无法用完整的句子表达自己,令你无法理解他想要什么,你需要反复提出问题才能澄清他想说什么。
  • 他讲话时不流利或‘卡住’,你担心他可能有结巴或口吃的问题。
  • 孩子有口吃,被朋友戏弄,嘲笑甚至排斥。
  • 学校老师认为他不够发挥潜能,知道答案,但不善表达自己。


  • 他会加减乘除,但数学成绩很差,因为他不明白数学问题中使用的文字。
  • 他的听写得分很高,但阅读理解问题都不及格。
  • 因为学习没有进步,每周都带着同样的作业回家。
  • 他可以大声朗读,但无法解释,理解或告诉你故事的内容,也没有办法回答有关故事的问题。


  • 他知道很多单字,但不会在日常对话中使用。
  • 他因为听不懂老师的指示而无法上课或被处罚。
  • 他社交能力差,想与同学互动,但不知道如何用语言沟通或对话交朋友。



speech therapy fun






child alone speech therapy




我们帮助过许多成年人克服了语言问题 - 他们都曾经因为语言障碍在学校,社交或职业上遇到困难。几乎所有的成年人都肯定必需从小就要克服语言障碍的重要性。





child winning speech therapy

  • 过去在学校注意力差的孩子现在有更好的注意力,可以参与上课,因为他们有更好的语言理解能力。
  • 曾经因发音不准或口吃而感到沮丧或被嘲笑的孩子现在发音更清楚(例如'l','s','r','f'音等),或说话更流畅。
  • 孩子比较少发脾气,因为现在他们可以理解大人的问题,也可以表达他们的需求。
  • 过去很难在普通课堂上学习阅读的孩子现在会利用其他学习方法,增强阅读能力。
  • 之前学习能力不足,不能入学的儿童现在可以和同龄的孩子一起上小学。
  • 过去口吃的成年人现在可以在工作中说话更流利,在演讲和面试时表现更好,而不会因为口吃而感到退缩。
  • 过去因口吃无法发出声音的成年人,现在能够说出他们想说的话,而不必特意避开某些单字。


I started to help bring my grandson to Leo Magan about 10 months ago. He has made good progress and now, he can speak in short sentences。

I was also impressed that the school also include and ‘tailor-made’ lessons to every child’s needs; such as improving classroom manners, attention span and social skills...

We are very pleased with the care and attention and intend to increase my grandson’s lessons by another 4 hours soon.
Well done!
👍 👍 👏 👏 😊😊

Grandma of Harris (3 years old), Singapore
 Jacqueline, mother of AJ (2 years old), USA

AJ was 2 years old… He was not able to talk. He has got speech delay, he could not speak a single word.

…in the second month, his vocabulary expanded tremendously. We are able to have simple conversation with him and there is more interaction.

Jacqueline, mother of AJ (2 years old), USA

I am sure no parents would like the idea of your own child being labelled autistic... Gabriel started to use his vocabulary from the very first appointment....

I am so glad that his autistic review has given us good feedback that 'Gabriel may not be in the spectrum anymore'.

- Jasmine, mother of Gabriel (6 years old), Singapore
Beverly, Mother of Hailey (6 years old), Australia

After just a few speech therapy lessons, Hailey’s speech fluency improved significantly….

Much to our delight and relief, Hailey now no longer stutters at all.

Beverly, Mother of Hailey (6 years old), Australia

Before Leroy came to LeoMagan, we just couldn’t communicate with him. It was always two words like “Daddy, see”....

In the past 2 months, Leroy has improved by 1 year... Previously at home, no matter what we do, we can’t help him improve. I can now have a conversation with my child....

- Raymond, Father of Leroy (5 years old), Singapore
 Wendy, Mother of Kai (Preschool in British International School), United Kingdom

Kai was struggling in school and was asked to re-sit the year. He kept saying “I don’t know this” and it’s heartbreaking to hear your 5-year-old say this.

He learnt more at LeoMagan over one term than he did in school with the assistance of one class teacher, one remedial teacher and one school speech therapist!

I can’t be more grateful and recommend LeoMagan highly enough. I have a much happier child now. I’m very happy that I brought Kai here, the teachers have gone out of their way to help.

Wendy, Mother of Kai (Preschool in British International School), United Kingdom

SQ's reading skills improved by leaps and bounds (her reading scale improved by 9 months) after just 3 months....

- Mrs. Soh - Mother of J.H. (primary 3) and S.Q. (primary 1), Singapore
 Annie, mother of Shawn (Sec One), Singapore (Second & Third Testimonials)

When Shawn started his speech therapy and language therapy at Leo Magan, he was diagnosed with Specific Language Impairment (SLI)….

It’s tough to be parents of a SLI kid in Singapore but it’s even tougher to be a kid who has SLI. There is too little knowledge teachers and people know about SLI and most of the time, they just think that my son is lazy, disobedient or in simple word, stupid.

…imagine if I didn’t cross path with you, God knows what will Shawn’s life be.

P.S. Shawn scored grade B in his PSLE exams, previously he has failed English since primary 4.

Annie, mother of Shawn (Sec One), Singapore (Second & Third Testimonials)
 M. Zanoria, Mother of Yuri (Sec 3), Philippines

I really feel the sincerity of the people in this institution. We have been doing one on one speech therapy with Ms Magan Chen for the past 2 weeks and she has been honest enough in which area my son needs improvement. Totally recommended.

M. Zanoria, Mother of Yuri (Sec 3), Philippines
Mother of Xavier (Primary 1), Indonesia

I am so proud of my son now…. For this kind of teaching at this price is very good for me.

If I know about Leo Magan I bring my child in Nursery so he is ready for Primary 1! I would tell other parents to come here, don’t delay, it is easier for the child….

Mother of Xavier (Primary 1), Indonesia

Before Guan Yu started the Language for Maths Holiday Program, we had difficulty coaching him Maths word problems. He can do the numbers in terms of additions and subtraction but he showed little interest and poor attention span when it comes to word problems.

By the end of the program, he does not resist attempting word problems anymore and he is so engaged at times that it spurs him to think further and challenge if the problems make sense.

- Mother of Guan Yu (Primary 3), Singapore


我们运用专門的语言治疗技巧来帮助孩子解决语言障碍的问题。child speech therapy programs


"语言治疗师是受过大学训练的专业人士,负责评估和治疗有沟通障碍的人。治疗范围包括语言,写作,和阅读。" - Speech Pathology Australia澳大利亚语言治疗师协会


凭着我们丰富的语言治疗经验,您的孩子将不会在学校落后。Help for Speech Therapy, Language Therapy







请致电我们预约或询问: (65) 6386-7532


烦恼了,马上联络我们 ,帮助您的孩子能够更自信,更轻松地表达自己!


Speech Language Therapy Singapore



Magan Chen

创办人,注册语言治疗师, Leo Magan 听语轩

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Address: 20 Kramat Lane, #04-09 United House, Singapore 228773

Customer Care: please call +65 6386-7532, to email us: please use the form on our Contact page.

Effective, Proven, Affordable Speech Therapy and Language Therapy Singapore

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