Solving word problems step-by-step
"Life is a word problem." As the above sentence suggest, we are always faced with word problems in life through our scope of work, the conversations we made with others and
"Life is a word problem." As the above sentence suggest, we are always faced with word problems in life through our scope of work, the conversations we made with others and
Reading comprehension can be made interesting when hands-on activities are done. Try this with your child! How has this video helped you? Please share it with us!
A short video on how to teach children to interact verbally and show people what they want. Is this helpful for you? Share your experiences with us!
I like this article today about new year resolutions. As the author said, often resolutions do not work because people aim for a complete 'overhaul' and try to change
Hi everyone, it's the Holiday Season again. Ho Ho Ho... As we gather for happy celebrations with loved ones, have you thought of getting your little toddler to join in a
This is a spinoff from the current Korean pop song which has swept the world, Gangnam Style. It shows how creative our Singaporean children can be, and has even garnered
In the last blog post, I was sharing some thoughts about happiness. Almost all successful people say that ‘confidence’ is one of the most important internal feelings that contribute to their
Hi! Wishing everyone a very Happy Children’s Day! Being happy. I wanted to put up something my students could watch that gives them some ideas about what happiness is.. - and
Many children are unable to identify their actions as bullying, causing unnecessary distress to their victims. This interesting video teaches them what bullying is and the impact it has. Part one