Speech Language Therapy: Using LeoMagan puzzle to help your child with WHO questions
- Uses the 2nd smallest and smallest ring of the LeoMagan puzzle.
Asking “Who” questions in relation to the puzzle. e.g. “Who builds a zoo?”
Turn taking. e.g. “Whose turn is it?” “My turn!”.
Speech Language Therapy: Using LeoMagan puzzle to help your child say long sentences
- Uses the 3rd biggest ring of the LeoMagan puzzle.
Answering ‘who’ questions (reading words or describing the picture) e.g. “Who does the referee blow the whistle at?” “At the team captain”.
Speech Language Therapy: Using LeoMagan puzzle to help your child with WHY questions
- Uses the 4th biggest (last ring) of the LeoMagan puzzle.
Discuss cause and effect, answering “Why…?” questions with “because…”
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